As Christadelphians, we believe children are a gift from God and should be nurtured and praised, but also taught to be kind, loving and responsible to others both in their actions and thoughts. At Wardley, we have lots of families with children of all ages and we therefore try to offer a range of fun activities for them and also for the children and parents in our local community.
Why not come along and see for yourself!
Every Tuesday from 9:30am to 11am during Term Time.
Bring your little ones to our Toddler group and chat with other parents and carers for an hour and a half as your tots enjoy play and craft activities. Each week there are songs, games, Bible story time, snacks and lots more!
Around 30 babies and toddlers plus parents attend each week for free, (though we do ask for a voluntary contribution) and whilst the group provides a great play opportunity for your child, it also offers a chance for mums and carers to relax and make new friends too.
- 'Thank you for making Maggie feel special at your play group. Her confidence has really shown since attending.'
- 'Thank you for lots of happy days at Toddler Group. Violet and Iona had lots of fun!'
WOW Club
‘First Friday in the month’ at 6:30pm during Term Time.
For children aged 5 - 13 yrs. We provide Games, Bible time, and Craft. It's often noisy, good fun and activities change on a weekly basis. Past examples include Twister, what the Bible says about Kindness, and making Friendship bracelets.
We think that it is important to share what God says in the Bible with others, so for a few minutes during the evening we stop what we're doing, and one of the leaders shares a short thought with the rest of us. We don't demand that everyone who comes to club believes everything that we say, but Friday club is a church Youth Club and we expect the members and leaders to respect each other and their beliefs.
- 'Our boys love the opportunity each week to run around with their friends.'
Sunday school
Every Sunday at 3pm.
Our Sunday school not only provides valuable Bible lessons for our youngsters, but also companionship and the development of treasured and long lasting friendships.
The Sunday School caters for children of all ages, from four year olds through to young adults. Classes bring together children of similar ages to learn about the Bible at a level they can understand, with lessons based on Bible characters, events and themes.
The Sunday school teachers are all members of Wardley Church. They approach each Sunday's class by deciding how best to treat the week’s subject and the lessons it aims to teach. Teachers will adapt the lessons to cater for special needs and interests of children in their class.
- 'I like Sunday School because I get to see my friends and learn stories from the Bible.'
“But the steadfast love of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children”