Sunday Memorial service @ 3pm
Our Sunday Service comprises hymns, prayers and Bible readings, some encouraging words from the speaker for that day and often some quiet reflection on how we have lived our lives during the past week. During our Sunday service we share bread and wine as the Lord Jesus commanded; to celebrate his resurrection and our place as part of his body: the church.
“He took some bread and gave thanks to God for it... saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this to remember me.” After supper he took another cup of wine and said, “This cup is the new covenant between God and his people—an agreement confirmed with my blood, which is poured out as a sacrifice for you.”
Our practice is that to share the bread and wine if you are a member of Wardley Christadelphians or the wider Christadelphian community, having made a commitment to a belief in Jesus as Lord and having been baptised into his name as an adult. If not, you are still very welcome to come to the service and take part in our other worship activities (hymns, etc.) together with everyone.
Additionally, Sunday school for children of all ages takes place during the Sunday service and Church notices and announcements for what is happening in the week are also given out.
Thursday Bible class @ 7:45pm
We meet weekly online every Thursday evenings at 7:45pm to study the Bible, learn from each other and discuss things that arise from the parts of the Bible that we read. The format usually entails somebody sharing some prepared thoughts and then a lively, in-depth discussion for the rest of the time.
Examples of past Bible class topics include Gideon, the Atonement, and Moral Challenges: Politics and Voting.
If you wish to join our online Bible Class please contact us.