Our Sunday evening service begins at 5:45pm every week and usually lasts for about an hour. Typically it includes sung praise, prayers, readings, and a 20-30 minutes presentation about a Biblical topic or character or moral problem. Examples of previous Sunday evening talks include:
- Stephen- a profile of courage
- Thomas - a doubting believer
- Reasons to believe in God
- Big Bible Themes: Angels
- Big Bible Themes: Resurrection
- Teachings of Jesus - love your enemies
- Questions about God: What does God look like?
The services are given by the members of the church in Wardley or by visiting members of other Christadelphian churches. The subjects covered by the evening services aim to give clear Bible teaching about God, Jesus, the Bible and what they all say and how that is relevant to us today. Teaching is for both those who have not yet fully committed themselves to Jesus but want to know more, and for people who have been followers of Jesus for a long time.
We also regularly hold special services on a Sunday evening. These may be Praise events such as thanksgiving for Harvest Festival or the New Year, or Hands on Church evenings which are aimed at our children and involve fun activities.