What we believe – Digging Deeper
In the Bible we find the Gospel, the Good News of the Kingdom of God. It is an inspired message from the creator God, telling us about Himself, His son Jesus and how we can find a place in His kingdom when Jesus returns to this earth.
Here you can read some of our key beliefs taken from this amazing book, the Bible. There are also some Bible references which you can use to build your own faith.
There is only one true God. He dwells in heaven but everywhere present and is immortal (undying), all-knowing and all-powerful.
Isaiah 45: 5-6 ; 1 Timothy 6: 15-16
God designed and created the entire universe and has a great plan for the world
Genesis 1; Numbers 14: 21; Psalm 74: 15-17; Acts 17; 24-28
The Bible is God’s inspired word, given to benefit mankind.
2 Timothy 3: 16; 1 Peter 1. 22-25; 2 Peter 1: 20-21
God’s power is the holy spirit, which He uses to carry out His purpose.
Job 33: 4; Luke 1: 35; 4: 18-21; John 14: 26; 15. 26; 2 Peter 1: 20-21
Jesus Christ is God’s son. He is also a flesh and blood human being through his mother Mary – made just like us.
Luke 1: 30-35; Romans 1: 1-4; Hebrews 4: 14-15
Jesus never sinned, and he laid down his life on the cross to save his followers.
Romans 5:6-8; 1 Timothy 1: 15; 1 Peter 2: 21-24; Hebrews 4: 15
Jesus died but God raised him from the dead. He ascended into heaven and is with God there, but will return to the earth.
Acts 1: 11; Acts 2: 22-27 ; Acts 3: 15, 19-21,26 ; Acts 17: 30-31
When Jesus returns he will raise the dead to judgement and give eternal life to faithful believers
Daniel 12: 1-2; John 5: 28-29; Acts 17: 29-32
Jesus will be king. He will reign from Jerusalem and the restored kingdom of God will spread over the whole world.
Psalm 2: 6-8; Isaiah 9: 6-7; Zechariah 14: 9; Revelation 11: 15
'Devil’ is not a supernatural being, it is just another name for sin within the individual, or the behaviour of human nature. Jesus destroyed the‘devil’when he firmly resisted the temptation to sin, right up to the point of his death.
Matthew 15: 18-20; Hebrews 2: 14-15
When we die our thinking and emotions cease to exist. Our hope of a future eternal life is by resurrection when Jesus Christ returns.
Ecclesiastes 9: 5-6; 1 Thessalonians 4: 14-18
To be saved we must believe God's teachings about His kingdom and the life and work of Jesus Christ.
Acts 8: 12, 35-38 ; Acts 16: 31-34; Galatians 3: 26-29
To be saved we need to repent (say sorry and change direction) and be baptised into Christ (by immersion in water). We then commit to follow Jesus’teachings as best we can on a daily basis, and with Gods help
Mark 16: 15-16; Acts 4: 10-12 ; Mark 8: 34-35
Today, the people of Israel are largely unbelievers in Jesus Christ, but most Bible prophecies are focussed on them, and God still has His purpose with them. They will eventually come to recognise Jesus at his return.
Romans 10.1, 11: 1-2; Zechariah 12: 8-10
When the Lord Jesus Christ returns, his followers who take part in the kingdom of God on a re-juvenated earth will help him to establish right thinking, behaviour and justice among all nations who will honour God - and world peace will follow.
Micah 4: 1-5; Matthew 25; Luke 22: 28-30; Revelation 20.4